!NEW!! Sponsored Post- MEHONEY-- Vasilina, & CHICCHICA- Vodka & Caviar dispenser
Vasilina- Rigged for: Maitreya, Legacy, Perky, Kupra, & Reborn
Exclusive for Kinky Event
Vodka & Caviar dispensers- Included wearable versions for both hands of both, decor versions too.
Exclusive for The Epiphany
LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition (1.4)
[theSkinnery] Carol (LeLutkaEvoX) Toffee
[theSkinnery] Bom Body - Slim Toffee
e.marie // Leah Earrings - Silvers
Ladybird. // Inner Thigh Hickies
- Secrets - Nina Leg Chain - Silver
MINIMAL - Bloodline Backdrop