!NEW!! Sponsored Post- Featuring: Warpaint, & Wasabi!
Warpaint* #IWokeUpLikeThis7 - available in the following packs for, Lelutka Evo/EvoX, Genus, & Catwa. All three include Baked on Mesh (BOM) Layers, Genus & Catwa include appliers as well.
There are 5 combinations in each pack:
♥ freckles + beauty marks
♥ freckles + beauty marks + blusher + highlighter
♥ freckles + beauty marks + eyeliner
♥ eyeliner + blusher + highlighter
♥ all-in-one.
(Freckles+ Blush + Eyeliner L.EvoX, SHOWN)
Exclusive for UBER
WarPaint* Georgia brows- available in the following packs for, Lelutka Evo/EvoX, Genus, & Catwa. 10 natural hair tones, optional scar is on right eyebrow only (aka SCAR SET)
(Georgia brows [LeL EvoX ] - chocolate (scar), SHOWN)
Exclusive for Anthem
Wasabi // Bubbles Hair- Comes in three styles via HUD, Optional bangs, & Bobbypins can be hidden. Available at Wasabi Mainstore
LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4)
[avarosa] Blair LeL EVO X - Snow @Collabor88
VELOUR: The "Ipanema Body" for Legacy (SNOW)
VELOUR: Small Boobs Cleavage x Ipanema (LEGACY & MAITREYA)
Tableau Vivant - leLutka EvoX Hairbase 06
Apple Blossom // Pride Luna Top No.2
WarPaint* Primrose lips [Lelutka EvoX]
e.marie // Michaela Earrings - Pride
Amitie L.O.V.E Pose