!NEW! Sponsored Post- SENIHA- Jaylin Set, & RAWR- Zealous EvoX Earrings
Jaylin- Rigged for: Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Perky, & Petite
Exclusive to UBER
Open until January 22, 2022
Zealous Evox Earrings- Rigged for LeLUTKA EvoX Heads only.
Available at RAWR Mainstore
LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) (1.4)
[theSkinnery] Taylor (LeLutkaEvoX) Sorbet @UBER
[theSkinnery] Bom Body - Tummy Sorbet
DOUX - CeCe hairstyle [BASIC /DELUXE PACK]
LOTUS. Manifest Nails @TheARCADE
MVT - Very Luxury bag - BLACK
FOXCITY. Coming Home Bento Pose Set @Collabor88
FOXCITY. Photo Booth - The Apartments @Collabor88