!!NEW!! Sponsored Post-- CAZIMI--- Tipsy Blush & RAWR! Chronos Nails & Rings
Tipsy Blush--- 3 Transparencies', baked on mesh (BOM) layers for EVO X ONLY and omega appliers included.
Available at the Cazimi Mainstore
Chronos Nails & Rings-- Rigged for: Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra & Persephone
Available at the RAWR! Mainstore
LeLUTKA Avalon Head Evo X 3.0
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) (1.4)
Not Found - Amie Skin Peach (Lelutka) @ACCESS
[theSkinnery] Bom Body - SLIM PEACH
AG. Elegance Eyes - Fatpack- LELUTKA-- @ACCESS
[theSkinnery] FaceBundle (LeLutkaEvoX) - Blushes/Moles/Freckles @KUSTOM9
^^Swallow^^ Earrings H01 for lel Evo X Human Ears @KUSTOM9
Stealthic - Searching (Ombres)
[piXit] iPortrait - i3 - Pose Pack - F