!!NEW!! Sponsored Post- UR.FAVORITE.ONE-- Daisy Daisy & Spank Me, RAWR! Moonchild Human Ears EVOX, HORL- Arm Orn 4 Tattoo
UR.Favorite.One- Daisy Daisy & Spank Me: Rigged for Maitreya & Legacy. Exclusives to May round of FaMESHED.
RAWR! Moonchild EVOX Earrings: Rigged for LELUTKA EVOX heads only.
Available at the RAWR! Mainstore.
HORL- Arm Orn 4 Tattoo: 3 level intensities of baked on mesh (BOM) layers.
Available at HORL Mainstore.
This tattoo is featured in the Miix weekend sale, this weekend ONLY!
LeLUTKA Avalon Head Evo X 3.0
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) (1.4)
Not Found - Amie Skin Peach (Lelutka)
[theSkinnery] Bom Body - SLIM PEACH
AG. Elegance Eyes - Fatpack- LELUTKA-- @ACCESS
[theSkinnery] FaceBundle (LeLutkaEvoX) - Blushes/Moles/Freckles @KUSTOM9
DOUX - Lucy hairstyle [BASIC/DELUXE PACK]
::{u.f.o}:: twist chain choker
Phedora ~ Pam Platforms 30Colors Fatpack @KUSTOM9
Foxwood - Bulldog pup - sit
dust bunny . paradise plants . monstera tree